Jenzen works in the fields of music, film and photography. Since 2008 he has recorded the premises of old, abandoned and for the most part derelict industrial facilities in spherical panorama images. He also links these unusual locations with nude photography. He usually covers models with white powder: The neutral skin colour emerging as a result of the powder effect in his photographs creates a homogeneous overall effect between the model and the dilapidated area.

The ideas behind it: "The world of dilapidation in contrast to the female body. Tranquillity is now noticeable where brisk activity once prevailed. I got the idea during my forays through old facilities. I discovered forgotten posters with scantily dressed ladies. I create a kind of connec- tion with my photographs: the models of today at the locations from back then."

JZN Milchkammer Industrie Puppe Ziegelei Ziegelei Kalender LOVE Schaufensterromanze Berlin Berlin Wachtmeister Ziegelei Dachboden Absperrband Gueterbahnhof

contact: jzn.000.001@gmail.com
© Jenzen-Photography 2014 - All rights reserved.

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